Monday 28 July, 2008



David Premack, Horace Barlow, Marvin Minsky and Nick Humphrey had suggested earlier that consciousness may have evolved primarily in society.

Here I want to suggest one of my principle which will be called as the PRINCIPLE OF ASAMANTA

Principle of ASAMANTA
In this universe no two living things are identical in their complete materiality. No two plants or two animals or two human being can be found which will be identical. They may seem identical from outside but if we evaluate the total property up to the micro level, ingredient level, and chemical level and at all levels we will find the differences from one to another.
There are two types of properties of a living being
Physical property
Internal property
All human being have two hands situated at the same position in same manner, attached with different organs of body in same way, muscles bones nerves skin fingers elbow shoulder nails blood flow from the heart to part and from part to the heart in same manner. THESE ARE THE PHYSICAL PROPERTY BUT NOT THE COMPLETE PROPERTY OF HAND

Properties like artistic property, muscular power, Neuro power, construction, length, diameter, reaction on a certain action, its posture and rhythm of movement while in motion, type of skin, color, texture, hardness, softness, and nature vary from hand of one to the hand of another man.
These properties vary not only from hand of one person to the hand of another person independently or jointly but also from left hand to right hand of the same person.
This type of varying properties should be paid more attention to understand why it is so?

After long research and examination of thousands of persons we have concluded that this happens due to the difference in brain of one person to that of another person.
This is the root cause which varies the internal properties.

In our view these physical properties have created a great obstacle in the development of medical science, brain and neuro science and all other research related to find the root cause and curative measures of any disease, disorder, imbalance, and deformation occurring in a particular brain, or in its part because it seems the physical properties of the brain are the sole property by the scientist community, but this is not so.

The internal property varies due to the variation in brain of one man to another man.

Since every brain seems similar in structure, similar in function, similarly behaving in pleasure, sorrow, emotion, thinking process, controlling process, and so on, then where is the differences in brain from one to another?

After study of thousands of persons and correlating it with each other we have found.
Different brains seem similar in structure but are not similar at all. Structure of brain when seen at micro level, have so many differences from one to another. It has been seen by us in each and every cases.

Every brain seems similar in modes and steps of function but it is not similar.
We have found repeatedly during each experiment that during the same set of stress different brain behaves differently.

During another successive experiment, different brains were mapped and have responded in the same manner what was established after mapping and before experiment.

It seems brain behaves similarly in pleasure, sorrow, emotion, thinking process, and in controlling process, to all but it is not like that.
Different brain behaves differently in pleasure of the same nature and in the same surrounding. It has been concluded by us while exposing a number of persons for a sexual adventure in the same surrounding but it had different reactions, of different brain.

In successive experiment to different group were taken again after pre assessment of their mode and direction of behavior of brain, it also happened approximately same as assessed after brain mapping and before experiment.

All experiments were conducted by us as a forward step to cross check, what had been read by brain mapping at sub conscious level is correct.

What is self?
What is consciousness?
First for example there was the Darwinian theory of evolution saying men are just a hairless ape, which means you are not the climax of creation, but are in fact, the product of random process of natural selection.

Yes of course, in fact in our view his step was a forward step to understand the human being.
I do agree with his thesis up to an extent.

After that caFreudian theory me with a wrong step to understand the human brain.
According to him you are not in charge of what you are doing, since your behavior is largely governed by unconscious motives and drives.
According to our research and findings
Your behavior is completely governed by subconscious motives and drives, not by unconscious motives and drives,

And now the neuroscientist Mr. Crick had given his hypothesis saying you are nothing but just a pack of neurons
He must be joking;

Taking a piece of magnet and asking a group of Physicist that what it is?

There is Electron inside.
There is electron proton neutron inside it.
This is a piece of Iron.
Nothing, but the pack of Iron atoms.
Its specific gravity is so and so.
Its molecular structure is so and so.

All the answers are not wrong but not right also

Exactly this is happening at present in the field of brain and neuro research also.
I can not understand how Mr. Crick had told like this?

I am also not at all agreeing with the work done by G Rizzolati and V Gallace towards the so called Mirror Neurons.

According to famous neuroscientist V S RAMCHANDRAN Director, Centre for Brain and Cognition, University of California, San Diego, USA,’ self is not the holistic property of entire brain, it arises from the activity of specific sets of interlinked brain circuits.
According to him the specific sets of interlinked brain circuit which he calls MIRROR NEURON is critically responsible to develop the sense of self.
But sorry Mr. Ramchandran
I strongly oppose the existence of such type of neurons in the brain which you call as a mirror neuron and are critically involved in the development of self or consciousness.
Actually as per our findings each and every neuron present in any brain is fully responsible for the development of self.
On the contrary I am certain and as observed in my research and findings self is the holistic property of entire brain, it can not be otherwise at all.

While designing a ballistic missile the test fire should not be done on crackers instead of missiles, and exactly this is happening in the research of brain and neuro.

The brain of a rat or a monkey is completely different from human in its structure, function, configuration and actuation, can be compared, the same as the crackers and the missile.

How can you compare the brain of animal to the brain of man? It’s amazing;
In human being some hate humanity some die for humanity, some are terrorists but some are devotee priests, some are cruel but some are kind hearted, some are complete sentimental but some are not sentimental at all, some are so sensitive but some are not at all sensitive, some are foolish but some have extraordinary genius, some have enormous muscular strength but some have the muscular strength only to survive, and so on

One has to search the answer of self or consciousness in every context and analyze the brain on that universal basics from where one can define all minor and major activity, defining state, limit, and direction, of higher function of all emotion of brain, at each and every instant for each human brain independently.

Every man bears a different mentality, materiality, behavior, and axis of thought, mental ability, etc.

Unless and until it can be explored the basics of HOW WHAT & WHY a man is different from that of another the study on brain to any extent will be useless, and it will be impossible to know the basic causes (root causes) of self or consciousness, and proper remedial measures for any mental imbalance, personality imbalance, disorders (brain & neuro) deformations, chronic disease, failure or inefficient functioning of any part of body or brain itself etc.

We may have reason to agree to an extent with Freud if he had said, ones motives and drives is completely governed by subconscious brain, in our view he was quite close to the truth

Now the question is what are subconscious motives and drives?

How it is framed in the brain of every individual making it different from each other in its property, materiality, and behavior.

Where is the difference in brain from one man to another? I.e. ingredients of subconscious motives and drives.

How it can be estimated and calculated in each brain?

In our research on thousands of persons we had treated the brain separately as
Biological instrument
Electrical instrument
Electronic instrument
Chemical instrument and
Magnetic instrument and got no considerable result and response from the brain.

We became puzzle and decided to treat it, in totality.

And when we had treated it by keeping in mind that it is biological, electrical, electronic, chemical and magnetic instrument all in one, it has responded well.

After that the task was to establish a relation between these properties of brain.

On the axis of biological chemical and electrical so much research and findings are available since almost all brain and neuro research centers in the world are examining constantly with reference to these very axes.

But there is no research at all on brain at the axis of electronic and magnetic property of brain.

Again it was very tedious job because we were supposed to re examine all the data of thousands of persons, one by one carefully on this new generated axis, which we had already examined before.

What was found was that there is micro configurational difference in the base of neuron formation in a way in frontal lobe of brain in each and every case.

It was also found that in frontal lobe of brain eight separate areas, configured differently, four in left part of brain, and four in right part of brain, behave differently and having different properties at sub conscious level and create different type of thrust(motives and drives) at conscious level in response to a certain stimuli.

But there was found similarity in properties and sequence of formation in left and right brain, i.e. area A,B C ,D, of left brain was found similar in properties and sequence of formation to the area a, b, c, d, of right brain.

Every area was found divided into three parts longitudinally, along the partition of left and right brain
Longitudinally each part in one direction has certain properties but in opposite direction it has opposite properties just like a magnet.

It was found attached magnetically to each other.

All eight area differently configured by neuron in frontal lobe also was found behaving like an axis.

All eight axes were found intersecting at a common point in each and every brain, and that common point was the geometric centre (pinion gland) of the brain.

I call these longitudinal axes as the AXES OF MATI,

Configuration of neuron at different parts, other than the frontal lobe of brain was also found different and according to that configuration of brain was again divided into nine different parts.

All nine parts behaves differently on all eight axes in longitudinal direction

Forming eight axes *three division* nine parts =two hundred and sixteen magnets in longitudinal direction.
They could be further subdivided.

It was also found that same area in transverse direction and on transverse axis behaves differently and having same properties in one direction and complete opposite properties in opposite direction again forming two hundred and sixteen number of magnet in transverse direction attached magnetically to each other and forming the brain of a human like a multipolar magnet.

The axis of transverse direction was found crossing through the geometric centre of brain (pinion gland).

I call this transverse axis as the AXIS OF GATI.

Each magnet was found having certain higher function or defined emotion independently for each brain but its state, limit, and direction becomes the state, limit, and direction of the resultant of all magnet in that multipolar system.
So many opposite forces are being created due to auto interaction of each magnet to all other magnet in the direction of the all four resultants in that system.
In our view this is the formation of human brain at subconscious level, creating different motives and drives.

A magnet has certain magnetism in it but when it is attached to other magnet its magnetism increases if attached (naturally) magnetically on one axis, but in the case of brain all magnets of brain is attached with eight axes in longitudinal direction and one axis in transverse direction making it very complex magnetic system.

In this complex magnetic system on each magnet so many forces act at a time.

In this complex system one or more magnet independently or jointly becomes dominant due to the specific formation of that magnet and their properties dominate in that complex system.
Every magnet will have the changed magnetism according to the nature and property of dominant magnet.

Slight change in the magnetism of one magnet keeping the magnetism of rest all magnets same the materiality of a man varies considerably.

That is the constant primary reason why a man is complete different to another in this world.

Each magnet represents a certain emotion and ability at one axis and another emotion and ability at another axis.THIS

According to our research and findings this multimagnetic property of brain (thrust at subconscious level) is fully responsible in the development of self or consciousness and it becomes the holistic property of brain.

Thrust of any brain is nothing but the pressure (thrust) created in brain at sub conscious level and exerting pressure in all direction at conscious level due to cellular (electrical) activity followed by chemical change continuously in the life of the concerned person.

In this way, the brain automatically regulates and controls the body and itself even at cellular (ingredient, elemental, and property level) biologically, chemically, magnetically ,electrically, and by all other means yet to be discovered by scientists, right from birth to death in order to keep the complete system in equilibrium(at least energy ,least neuro activity and electricity, least chemical activity, least pressure level) etc while making a bridge between situation of exposure in particular surrounding and thrust of the concerned brain

Thrust of the concerned brain depends upon state configuration and actuation of different magnets at longitudinal axis and magnets at transverse axis which are attached magnetically in a definite design making a man’s personality a multipolar magnetic personality

State limit and direction of pressure (thrust) or the state amount and property of chemical (neurotransmitter) released at a certain time in a certain surrounding by the concerned part of that particular brain depends upon the potentiality and magnetism of that concerned part of brain and on the resultant of the concerned brain

In this way
Have we explained the mystery of self or consciousness?
Obviously yes in brief.

Foundation of Mind Awakening And Neuro Analytical Studies (Maanas)
504, Prem Sagar, Near Apna Bazar, Opp. Post Office, Mumbai – 53
Ph. : 022-26734149
Mob. : 9334622665, 9820031941
Email :

Saturday 26 July, 2008


Fear is a state of brain in which the suffering brain feels a threat towards the self due to the higher power of imagination of the concerned.
Magnitude of fear received by a brain depends upon the configurational design of variable parameters involved in framing the personality of the concerned brain.
If also depends upon the level of confidence and power of imagination of the concerned brain.
It has many degrees of gradation from the state of extreme alarm, fright, terror and the shadow of apprehension of intending evil.
Persons suffering from fear may look

Dejected posture,
Under active and
With poor muscular tone.
* Fear is a state of brain, when it is at slower speed (slower neurological activity)
* The brain suffering from fear has varying rhythm of respiration and heart function.
* At certain rhythm of respiration and heart, the concerned brain automatically feels a fear.
* The resultant of brain changes frequently between two extremes, due to higher actuation of certain part of brain responsible for imaginations.
* By reducing the actuational status of certain part of brain responsible for imagination we can control the fear of the concerned brain easily efficiently and permanently.


Mania is a state of brain in which brain suffering from it has fixed change in mood, which is one of the excitement and elation. The brain becomes - optimistic, confident, and has a general feeling of well being and sometimes seen with marked euphoria.
* Patients look well with good complexion, posture and with richest muscular tone.
* Very talkative.
* Much active towards his mentality
* Fast decisive.
* Proves himself valuable and confident.
* Alert and distractible.
* No adaptability towards surrounding at all.
* The brain suffering from Mania have fixed co-relational status of the wave pattern of left brain to that of the wave pattern of right brain.
* The brain suffering from Mania have uniaxial complete co-relation of wave pattern of body to that of the resultant wave pattern of brain.
* Have fixed secretion of hormonal and neurotransmitter release level.
* Have approximately fixed rhythm of heart and respiration.
* No much variation in the number of neuron participating in thinking process.
By increasing the conductivity of cerebrospinal fluid mania / hypomania can be controlled easily, efficiently and permanently


Palpitation is a state of rhythm of heart in which it functions abnormally due to abnormal signal received by the brain to the S A node of the heart due to abnormal status of brain.
It is a psychosomatic disease and is a general problem mostly among sentimental men and wemen
Person suffering from palpitation feels himself very uncomfortable -
* A shadow of fear is felt.
* Become detached completely from the surrounding at the time of palpitation
* Have sweating through out the body irrespective of the temperature of exposure.
* Blood pressure deteriorates.
* Cause apetitic disorder.
* Mental harmony deteriorates completely at the time of palpitation
* Due to much difference from subconscious level to that of conscious level, for prolonged period brain looses some of its capacity for regulation.
In other words, it can be said, that when central regulatory system of brain looses its potency to regulate itself quickly this problem arises.
* Loss in regulation capacity occurs due to emotionalism of the concerned brain.
* By decreasing the conductivity of cerebrospinal fluid along with neurons of the concerned brain, the magnitude and frequency of palpitation can be controlled easily efficiently and permanently.


Depression is a mental state in which the primary and dominant characteristic is a change in mood consisting of a feeling tone of sadness, which may vary from mild despondency to the most abject despair.
The change in mood is relatively fixed and persists over a period of days, weeks months or years.
It is associated with the change in mood are characteristic changes in behavior, attitude, thinking, efficiency and physiological functioning.
Depression as a symptom may occur in psychiatric and physical illness and is a subsidiary and secondary part of the clinical picture.
Persons suffering from depression may -
* Look pale with dejected posture and poor muscular tone.
* Under active unless agitated.
* Difficult to think and decide.
* Sad Motto.
* With poor energy level.
When brain feels that the thrust made by its resultant is unable to neutralized by its inherent potentiality a wave is created inside the brain which reduces the -
* Co-relational status of wave pattern of left brain to that of right brain deteriorates.
* Co-relational status of wave pattern of body to that of the resultant wave pattern of brain deteriorates.
* Rhythm of heart and respiration deteriorates.
* Meteriality of neuron deteriorates.
* Secretion of harmone to the body and brain deteriorates.
* Release of neurotransmitter by neuron deteriorates.
* Harmony (homeostasis) of brain deteriorates
* By decreasing the conductivity of cerebrospinal fluid along with neuron the state of depression can be controlled easily, efficiently and permanently.



-- Existing personality of a man is due to his mental status at the particular time and in that particular atmosphere (surroundings).

-- Mental status of any concerned brain means the actuational status of all different 432 magnets (Power Points) which determines and frames the resultant at particular time and in particular surroundings.
-- Every brain has its own magnetic field and is equal to the resultant of magnetism of all 216 magnets (power points) in longitudinal direction and all 216 magnets (Power Point) in transverse direction being attached mBoldagnetically.
-- Every surroundings (house, office, working place, recreational place or others) has having a magnetic field and has different effect on different brain due to interaction between these two.
-- We are alive due to continuous reaction between our own magnetic field to that of the magnetic field of surroundings through our sense organs and inner vision.
-- Potency of any brain is directly proportional to the conductivity of cerebrospinal fluid.
-- Potency of any brain is directly proportional to the conductivity of neuron.
-- Conductivity of neurons in any brain is directly proportional to the conductivity of cerebrospinal fluid.
-- Sensitivity of any brain is inversely proportional to the viscosity of cerebrospinal fluid.
-- Neuro power or mental ability is inversely proportional to the muscular power in any brain .
-- Neuro power is inversely proportional to the viscosity of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain.
-- Muscular power is directly proportional to the viscosity of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain.
-- Receptivity or the capacity to learn or memory capacity of any brain is directly proportional to the inter neuronal distance.
-- Mental stability is proportional (directly) to the status of co-relation of wave pattern left brain to that of the wave pattern of right brain.
-- Memory of any brain is directly proportional to the status of its synchronization of brain.
-- Emotionalism of any brain is directly proportional to the conductivity of cerebrospinal fluid.
-- Stress production, retention and reception is any brain is directly proportional to the conductivity of cerebrospinal fluid.
-- Stress production, retention and reception in any brain is directly proportional to the conductivity of neuron.
-- Repeated stress production and retention makes the neuron as well as cerebrospinal fluid less conductive.


One brain is different from that of another in the world in its mentality, mental ability, nature, behaviour and axis of thought.
Due to
The difference in its construction at neurolevel.
The difference is its properties of all 216 power points in longitudinal direction.
The difference in its properties of all 216 power points in transverse direction.
The difference in state, limit and direction of the resultant of brain.
The difference in neuro expression during learning and reading.
The difference in rhythm of respiration.
The difference in rhythm of heart function.